This is coaching for key inflection points in your professional journey, when the voice you need to hear most clearly is your own. You will emerge with greater clarity about who you are, what is most important to you, and what you want to contribute in the world.

We will also navigate any fears, limiting beliefs, or other roadblocks that are getting in the way of your seeing the truest and most powerful version of what is possible for you.

Contact me to schedule a time to talk.

I knew I had to make a career transition, but I could not seem to take the steps to do it. Although I did not know what to expect, I sought out professional coaching for help. My sessions with Hyeon-Ju were critical in making changes. She listened, was incredibly perceptive, and helped me focus on what I needed and wanted to do. She pressed me, but did not judge. Talking through my fears with her made the prospect of a career transition less daunting and scary. I am forever grateful.
— H.L., Attorney

I was at a juncture in my career and felt completely immobilized prior to working with Hyeon-Ju. She listened, challenged, and asked key questions without judgement. Our coaching sessions gave me the clarity and the confidence to listen to myself and take a risk which would have been impossible without Hyeon-Ju’s steady guidance. I’m thrilled that I had the opportunity to work with Hyeon-Ju and cannot think of anyone that I’d recommend more for those who are trying to figure out their career path. I’ve had several career coaches and Hyeon-Ju is by far the best!
— Senior Program Manager